How To Market Your Business During Engagement Season

November 24, 2021

Marketing Tips

Social Media Manager for wedding professionals

With wedding season these days being longer and longer each year some of you may still be in wedding season. But did you know that we are officially in engagement season now!?

It’s time to shift that content from focusing on your current couples to focusing on newly engaged couples. But, what does that mean for your digital marketing plan? Check out below some of my Top 3 Tips On How To Market Your Business During Engagement Season.

Fun Facts About Engagement Season:

  • Engagement season is formally from Thanksgiving to Valentines Day
  • Pre Covid 40% of engagements during engagement season (Source: Wedding Wire)
  • The Top 5 most popular days to propose are all holidays (Source: Wedding Wire)
  • The average length of an engagement is 12-18 months. That means the work you do during this engagement season will pay off for your 2021 wedding season! (Source: Brides)

Begin Attracting Dream Couples In Just Two Weeks!

14 days of social media content ideas for engagement season guide for wedding pros

Grab a copy to the social media content ideas guide for wedding pros during engagement season and revamp your social media marketing in 14 days!

Top 3 Tips on How to Market Your Wedding Business During Engagement Season

1) Showcase Your Work

During the first few months of being engaged couples are experiencing the honeymoon phase of their engagement. Where everything seems possible and all of their dreams are coming true.

Couples are browsing photos of friend’s weddings and are saving images to their Pinterest boards or saving images on Instagram (long gone are the day of clipping images for magazines and putting them in your wedding binder). 

So… now is the time to put out your content from this past year! It’s time to highlight real weddings and showcase the incredible clients you’ve had!

I recommend highlighting weddings you’ve had over the past year (maybe two years dues to Covid) and showcasing your incredible portfolio. While showing off past weddings don’t be afraid to also show off your team! Introduce yourself and your team members so couples know what to expect when working together.

2) Share Inspirational Content

Newly engaged couples are looking for inspiration! They may have an idea of what they want but are looking to industry experts (that’s you!) for guidance. Now is the time to share new trends and spark ideas with your potential clients.

Your couples want to know what colour palettes are trending, what flowers are in season and which wedding venues are perfect for an outdoor wedding reception. 

Spark their creativity by showing them what they are looking for! Use vertical video and reels as your best friend to give potential clients a sneak peek into a venue, or showcase the before and after transformation of a space. The best part of sparking creativity is leaning on other creatives! Don’t be afraid to share content from other businesses. If there is an idea floating around that you’d love to re create or adapt share it with your audience, you never know who is watching and what inspiration it might just bring them!

3) Educate Your Audience

It’s time to show yourself as an industry expert in what you do! One of the best easy to do this is to answer the most commonly asked questions or predict what your ideal client might be thinking, and answer that question.

If you are a wedding photographer and are always being asked the same questions about engagement shoots, turn those questions into a series. Or maybe you are a wedding planner and are wanting couples to understand the importance of having a planner.

By answering your couple’s questions not only are you saving yourself time from back and forth conversations but you are also providing reassurance to your audience that you are an expert in what you do. You are building the like, know & trust factors that are absolutely crucial for your audience to feel comfortable to transition from a viewer to a purchaser.

It’s Time To Get Started!

With the top 5 most popular days to propose being on holidays, you don’t want to be spending your holidays working and adjusting your marketing strategy for all of these newly engaged couples. That’s why I’ve designed my Instagram VIP Day!

The DxD Instagram VIP Day gives your TWO MONTHS of content DONE IN A DAY! So you can stop stressing about getting the right information out to your followers and start enjoying those 5 holidays! 

Reach out to find out if an Instagram VIP Day is right for you.

Marketing Tips For Wedding Businesses During Engagement Season

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