Five Steps How to Write a Real Wedding Blog

May 16, 2023

Blogging Tips

Wedding blogger laptop with flowers

It’s time to stop posting real wedding blogs with just photos and no copy! In order for your blogs to be discovered by Google, your blogs need words, NOT just photos! So why not make those words count and tell a story your ideal clients want to read? Below we share with you easy steps to take when writing a real wedding blog and some ideas about what to talk about!

5 Steps To Writing A Real Wedding Blog

1. Cull Images

One of the most time-consuming but necessary steps when publishing your real wedding content is culling the images. Whether you are publishing a real wedding blog, wedding social media posts or submitting your content for publication, you must start by culling down your albums into favourites.

Now I know this can be a hard task- thanks to our insanely talented wedding photographer friends! It may seem like every image is a favourite. I suggest culling your albums to ~10-20% of the original album size. Most wedding photographers take thousands of photos for their couples, but there is truly only a fraction that you may want to showcase. For a real wedding blog, I recommend including 30-40 images that showcase your work and tell a story.

 2. Keyword Research

If you haven’t done this already, now is a good time to do some keyword research for your blog post. A best practice is to stick to the keyword phrases that your clients are using. As much as you may think couples are looking for super specific searches like “editorial style wedding photographer,” they likely aren’t. I recommend sticking to keywords that mention the venue or region. For example, “Toronto Wedding Photographer” or “Fairmont Chateau Whistler Wedding.”

 3. Add SEO To Your Images

Well-written copy with strategic keywords is not the only thing that will help you rank on Google. But by incorporating keywords into image titles and alt text, you are more likely to get discovered! For more information on how to add alt text to your images, check out this great article by the SEO Strategist for Wedding Pros, Sara Dunn.

4. Draft Your Content 

Writer’s block is one of the biggest issues we find our clients face when it comes to writing real wedding blogs. That is why we always provide blog prompts for our wedding blogging clients! 

We recommend painting a picture of the wedding day and your role as the wedding planner, wedding photographer, florist etc. Share what makes the wedding day unique, why they chose their venue, whether the flowers have sentimental meaning or were any personal details included, etc.

It is easy to get caught up in writing the same old phrases of this couple was so in love, I loved working with them, it was the perfect day. The above may all be true, but it will not showcase your skills and services and convince future couples to book you.

Once you’ve got the story down, be sure to include an introduction and conclusion; yes, you have to warm up your audience. Your real wedding blog should typically be 300-500 words in length. Any longer, and you will lose your reader’s attention. Any shorter, and you won’t seek the full benefits of SEO and getting discovered on Google.

5. Credit Vendors

Last but not least, please, please, please credit the vendor team! It takes a community to bring a wedding together, and they all deserve credit for their work! You can do this by incorporating vendor company names and links within your copy or list all vendors involved at the bottom of your post.

What To Talk About In A Real Wedding Blog Post

1. Focus less on the couple and more on the story of the day. 

As much as you may want to share how lovely the couple is, their love story and proposal story that is not going to book you more weddings. What is, is sharing more about the services you provided for this couple and how these details came through in the execution of the day. This could include anything from replication of a family photo to how you switched to a rain plan 30 minutes before the ceremony.

2. Talk about the venue or location.

Include why the couple chose this venue. Did they get engaged there? Does the location have sentimental value? Maybe they summer vacation in the town nearby? Be sure to mention some unique details about the venue, such as great portrait locations or the various options for their ceremony.

3. What made the day unique

Share personal details about the couple and how they were highlighted on their wedding day. It could be custom details in their design or special poses in their portrait sessions. This is a great way to showcase your listening skills as a vendor and how you can make each couples day unique.

4. What service did you provide?

Share the couple’s pain points and how you helped provide solutions with your services. For example, maybe they were looking for a photographer who would help pose them or a destination wedding planner to help them find the perfect venue. Suppose you have a testimonial from the couple. In that case, this is a great place to include snippets about their experience working with you!

Don’t have time to do all of these steps yourself? No worries, let us do it for you! Outsource your wedding blogging to a professional and feel the weight off your shoulders as you don’t have to worry about blogging ever again! We love using blogs as a core pillar of our client’s marketing strategies and repurposing the content across various marketing channels! Interested in learning more about our blogging services? Fill out our inquiry form here to learn more about our monthly blogging services or a la carte blogging bundles!

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