What To Do With Your Backlog Of Weddings

February 22, 2023

Marketing Tips

white flowers and notepad

For many wedding planners, 2022 was their busiest wedding year to date. With a backlog of wedding content starting to roll in, it is easy to feel overwhelmed about what to do with this fresh new imagery. That is why I am sharing an easy-to-use strategy to help you take full advantage of your backlog of weddings! 

We will focus on three main areas when looking at how to market your wedding business with your backlog of weddings. First, we will look at how you can update your website with new wedding content, then how to share this content on social media and Pinterest.

Wedding Website Content

1. Update your website portfolio

It is very common for wedding planners to have a portfolio to showcase their work on their website. The portfolio is often one of the most viewed pages on a wedding website as couples want to get a good sense of what the planner’s past weddings have looked like and your skill level as a planner. Even though this area on your website does not significantly help you with SEO, it is an excellent resource for your leads and ideal clients to look at. 

2. Update your website photos

Besides updating your portfolio, there are other vital areas on your website that these photos should be included in, such as your header photos or services photos. When adding photos to your wedding website, be sure to change the file name to descriptive text with keywords, update the image title and be sure to add descriptive alt text. For more advice on how to name your images, check out this article by Sara Dunn, a Wedding SEO Specialist.

3. Set up a blogging system

You’ve heard me say this a thousand times before, but consistency is key when it comes to how to market your wedding business. I recommend creating a blogging system for your wedding planning business so that you can constantly publish your backlog of weddings.  

I recommend developing a unique blog strategy to help you reach your business goals. If you need help creating a blogging or marketing strategy, we’d love to help you! Be sure to reach out to find out how we can create a custom strategy that is right for you! 

When publishing your new content on your blog, it is important to be patient, as blogging is a long-term marketing strategy that will benefit you in the months and years to come.

Social Media Wedding Content

One of my favourite ways to share your backlog of wedding content is on social media. There are several different ways to share this content on social media, with video being a key element.

1. Reels, Reels & More Reels!

By now, I am sure you are sick of hearing about Instagram Reels; however, if you are not publishing your real wedding content in the form of Reels, you are significantly missing out on expanding your reach. Video content such as Reels is often prioritized in the algorithm and is more likely to get your audience engaged. For example, share a Reel highlighting certain aspects of a wedding, or why not mix and match different weddings to showcase a specific aspect, such as bridal bouquets? 

2. Carousel Posts

Carousel Posts have always been an easy and consistent way to showcase your work. For example, take images from one of your wedding backlogs and showcase your favourite details of the day. Or, break down the design and show some of the unique elements of the event. 

3. Static Posts

Static posts always get a bad rap in the social media marketing world as they often have a lower level of engagement. However, I believe brides are looking for inspiration on social media and are open to however you choose to share it. When posting static posts, I always encourage viewers to save the post or share the post for inspiration. Additionally, you will be more likely to get a greater reach with your static posts if you incorporate a strategically researched hashtag strategy.

Need help creating your bespoke hashtag strategy?

social media hashtags for wedding professionals

Get a copy of our FREE Hashtag guide with over 100 hashtags that are unique to the wedding industry!

Pinterest Wedding Content

Now that your website is up to date and you are consistently publishing your backlog of wedding content, it is time to seek the benefits of Pinterest!

1. Pin Fresh Content

What is unique about Pinterest is each image, also known as a Pin, is linked to a unique URL. So pin the images in your new blogs with the unique URL linking back to your website to help direct traffic to your site. Be sure to share new content consistently and images that inspire, and you will be amazed at the amount of traffic that Pinterest can bring to your website.

2. Idea Pins

Even though Idea Pins do not have the ability to link to unique URLs ( this is something that Pinterest is working on and will be launching in the future), Idea pins are a great way to gain reach. Idea Pins are very similar to Instagram Reels; you can even repurpose those Reels as Instrgam Pin. Overall the goal is to inspire viewers with your content.

It is essential to update these three channels with your backlog of wedding content to stay relevant in the wedding industry. I often say to focus on sharing weddings within the past three years, as anything prior may not reflect your skill set or trends. However, take this advice with a grain of salt, as you know your content and what your ideal target audience is searching for.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your backlog of wedding content, we are here to help you! Details By Dallas offers Blogging packages a la carte with no monthly commitment to help you get your content out into the world! Be sure to reach out and ask more about our a la carte services! 

wedding bouquets

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