Best Practices For Sharing Your Backlog Of Wedding Content On Pinterest

March 22, 2023

Pinterest Tips

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It is common for wedding professionals to have a backlog of wedding content that has been unpublished from the previous wedding season(s).  The question is, how do you take advantage of this content on Pinterest?

Today we are sharing with you some do’s and dont’s of sharing your backlog of wedding content on Pinterest.

Do’s & Dont’s of Sharing Your Backlog of Wedding Content on Pinterest

Pinterest Marketing Do’s

  1. Optimize your boards to ensure they reflect the type of content you are putting out as well as what your ideal clients are searching for.
    For example, if you are finding yourself with lots of imagery on wedding tablescapes, having a “Wedding Tablescape” Pinterest board would be beneficial, rather than just pinning those images in a general “Wedding Reception” board.
  2. Piggyback on the upward trend of old blog posts by creating additional pins with unused images from the same event. Just be sure to add the blog URL to the new photos.
  3. Pin images from your portfolio section on your website. If you update your portfolio with new imagery, be sure that the old URLs to previous albums are still published and viewable so that the pins continue to work years down the line.
  4. Create Idea Pins with new photos that have not been published in your portfolio or blog. This is a great way to share new imagery that does not have a unique URL.
  5. Be consistent in posting new content. By consistently publishing new blogs on your website, you are not only attracting Google but also generating fresh content for you to pin to Pinterest.
  6. Be patient. Pinterest is a long-term marketing platform and can take several months, even years to get the return on investment that you want.

Pinterest Marketing Dont’s

  1. Do not mass upload photos that direct viewers to a generic URL. Doing this for a few images is okay but will overall decrease the client experience. Viewers then get dissuaded and leave your site.
  2. Try not to confuse viewers with similar or generic board titles For example, the board title “Wedding Inspiration” is too generic and does not tell your audience what content is in that board.
  3. Do not pin without a purpose. Every pin you publish should have a purpose and should include strategic keywords, a call to action and a unique URL link of where you want the reader to go.
  4. Do not expect results overnight! Be sure to commit to your Pinterest marketing strategy for at least 6 months to a year to get a clear understanding of your audience’s life cycles.

I hope this gives you a good starting place to think about when it comes to posting your a backlog of wedding content on Pinterest.
Be sure to follow us on Pinterest for more digital marketing tips for wedding professionals!

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